(Red text is used to emphasize what is the most important.)
Fortunately, the River Ridge Fairways (RRF) HOA Membership voted to disapprove the March 2023 Proposed CC&Rs and Bylaws.
Had the proposed March 2023 CC&Rs and Bylaws been approved, they would have significantly threatened our memberships’ protections and rights, as outlined in the current 1988 CC&Rs and Bylaws. This potential threat underscores the importance of our ongoing vigilance and active participation in community matters.
1. One of the most concerning provisions in the March 2023 proposed Bylaws is the absence of your right to appeal. The RRF BOD proposes a change requiring you to give up your rights and grant them absolute power. This is stated in the following proposed Bylaws change: …
“6.01 Enforcement (Notice and Hearing) ….
…E. The decision by the Board is final and binding on the Member"...
2. The current 1988 Bylaws protect the membership and provide avenues for appeal with the following from the current/legal 1988 Bylaws:
“(g) Enforcement: To enforce by the equitable
and/or legal means available any and all of the provisions of
the planned development documents, including, but not limited
to these Bylaws and the Declaration as the same or any of them
may, from time to time, be amended”
3. In the March 2023 proposed CC&Rs, anybody the BOD designates will come into your home, without a court order, arrest warrant, or your permission, demand you change something, and if you don’t change something, they will hire someone to make the change. The HOA will foreclose on your home if you don’t pay the person they hired.
From the Proposed March 2023 CC&Rs:
“4.18 Right of Entry. After reasonable notice and during reasonable hours any member of the
Architectural Committee or any member of the Board, or any authorized representative or any of
them, shall have the right to enter upon and inspect any building, site, lot or parcel and the
improvements thereon for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not the provisions of these
Restrictions have been or are being complied with, and such persons shall not be deemed guilty of
trespass by reason of such entry. If an Owner fails to maintain, repair, or replace the Owner's Lot on
other area item which the Owner is obligated to maintain, repair or replace, in a manner which the
Board reasonably deems necessary to preserve the safety, appearance and/or value of the Lot or
Development, the Board may notify the Owner of the work required and request that it be done
within a reasonable and specific period. If the Owner fails to perform such maintenance and/or
repairs within said period, the Board shall, subject to the notice and hearing requirements, have the
right to enter upon the Lot to cause such maintenance and/or repair work to be performed. Cost of
any such maintenance or repair shall be charged to the Owner through a reimbursement assessment
as provided in Section 7.12.” The Section 7.12 means FORCLOSURE.
4. Keep the current 1988 CC&Rs because it protects us from the terrible 3/2023 proposed CC&R and Bylaws.